Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Different Genre Fonts

This font represents the Sci-Fi genre.  This font is well know for appearing in the Sci-fi/horror ‘Alien’ franchise. This font has a cold feel to it, which could represent death. The letting has a modern appeal that gives the audience an idea of the future.  The shapes in the lettering looks like reptile eyes which give the viewer a brief insight into the unknown creature/alien.
This font represents the action genre. The font is bold and is spelled in capitals to give a load shouting effect.  The type of action shown in this font has a military background, this could represent war, which suggests why the ‘action’ takes places.  This type of font is shown in the ‘Expendables’ franchise.

This font is used to represent the horror genre. Although this font is no longer widely used in mainstream media, it is know for it’s historical use. The font was first seen in the ‘Penny Dreadful’ pulp fiction; which was first published in the mid 1800’s. This font was also commonly used in the 1950-1980 ‘B-movie’ horrors. The font itself looks liquidised, with fingerprints spotted across the letters.  As if someone was bleeding against glass.

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