Monday, 6 October 2014

Creating portrait in Adobe Illustrator

For the latest unit in my BTEC media course, I was given the task to create a portrait of myself using the vector graphics on Adobe illustrator. This task was to help understand the software and the difference between Vector graphics and Raster graphics. Images which are made of multiple pixels are named raster graphics. Vector graphics are made of patterned mathematical equations. While most Adobe softwares can handle Raster and Vector Graphics, it is more reliable if a user were to use Vector graphics on Illustrator because it is a primary function on that software. Raster Graphic are more convent to use in Photoshop because of the large size that a high definition file needs.

In this blog I will discuss and explain the steps taken to create my self portrait onto Adobe Illustrator.

Step 1: The first step was to take a picture of myself using Apple's photo booth program. I saved the image I had taken and opened it onto Adobe Photoshop.

Step 2: The second step was to use the transparent tool and change the transparency up so the photograph of myself fades in, allowing me to have a clear view when I draw and paint over the photograph of myself.

Step 3: I then used the pen tool to select the outline of my face, to do this I dragged the mouse around my face in the photogragh.

Step 4: The forth step of this task was to use the 'Eyedropper tool' which is used to sample the colour of my complextion, this was to make my cartoon self more familer to the skin tone in the photograph.

Step 5: The next thing I did was to fill the area of my pen tool with the couler I had selected with the eyedrop tool.

Step 6: The next step was to draw the other features (eyes, nose, lips and hair) of my face with the pen toll and colour them in.

 Step 7: The final step was to draw my clothes using the pen tool and colour them in using the customised colour tool.

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