For my BTEC level 3 media graphics unit I was given a task to analyse several different film and/or television posters. In this blog I will discuss what each poster represents and what is the posters target audience. I shall also explain why I have chosen these posters and how they will share simulates to my own work.
Boardwalk Empire
This is a wide poster for the HBO period crime drama Boardwalk Empire. The is covered by the programme's main characters, appearing on the boardwalk, which is used as the shows primary location. The poster has a verity of colour, for instance the charractors on the left side are shown in the light, meanwhile the cast on the right are in the darkness, this could suggest a sepration of good and evil, or this could suggest that the characters behind are predators hunting the prey in front of them; this meaning that life on the boardwalk is so dangerous that it's primal. All the persons shown on the cover are looking in different directions, giving us a brief idea of their motives and intentions. For example, the man on the front is suggested to be the main character, he is shown with his fists clenched and has his partner wrapped around his arm, this shows that the character is protective of whatever he owns, his partner, his money, even his clothes, as they are shown to be immaculate and well presented. The young man behind them stares towards the right side of the poster, which is in the eye line of the middle aged man that walk beside him. The young man appears to be reaching for a weapon, attempting to protect the couple in front from the man walking towards them. Meanwhile in the far right corner we see three men standing in a semi-circle. They appear to be discussing something about the character who is walking in front of them, One of these three man seems to be hiding a gun, perhaps to sell or to use against the man they appear to be after. In the background we see lights that advertise the entertainment on the boardwalk, we see high brow nightlife such as ' The Supperclub' and low brow acts such as 'The Human Cannonball' this show the contrast on life on the boardwalk and can also represent the social standing of the characters present, and is also used as a reference to 1920's America. The title is decorated with the light bulbs that represent the nightlife of the boardwalk, this could suggest that the boardwalk is a fugazi, trying to hide it's true colours just like the programs characters. Because Boardwalk Empire is a television show and not a film the information regarding it's release is more specific, people do not only need the premier date, but also the time and channel, which are both presented on this poster. The target audience for this poster would be adults because of it's dark use of colours and theme, I also think this would attract a young adult audience (15-19) because of the glitz and glamor of it's historical settings.

The Godfather
This is a portrait poster for the 1972 film 'The Godfather'. This film is regarded by critics and audiences alike, as one of the greatest modern cinema has to offer. From the naked eye the outline and design for this poster looks very simple and basic, however the themes and emotions portrayed on the poster alone are complex, which reflex the film perfectly.
The colours used in the poster are dull, and have a rustic feel to them, as if they were referencing classic early 1900's cinema. The contrast between light and dark around the character shown could suggest that he is a good and honest man who is surrounded by evil and horror, or it can also tell the audience that this man is a leader because the spotlight is always on him. If one was to look in more detail, we could see that most of his features are silhouetted by the darkness, half of his face is in the darkness, suggesting he is either a liar, traitor or corrupt (two-faced). The man's eyes are also blacked out, indicating that he is a mysterious person who has concealed himself from others, which evokes the phase 'The more you see, the less there is". This individual clearly has a history and a unconventional lifestyle, and as the audience we are there to observe that. The title of the film is painted in a light bronze colour, implying wealth. Above we see a logo which displays a hand holding a handing which is used to control strings. This insinuates the idea that 'The Godfather' is a puppeteer; pulling on all the stings, controlling peoples movements and decisions to benefit himself. The tag line presented at the bottom of the poster reads, "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." Not only is this line a statement used in popular culture, but is also a line that tells us a great deal about the character is a few words, It confirms he is fierce, mighty and deceptive.
I think this poster would attract a mature adult audience (30+) because it's more subtle and dense than most film advertisements.
This is a portrait poster of the 1990 film 'GoodFellas'. The majority of the posters background is pitch black with only a V-shaped faded blue shadow, which shows up a street underneath a freeway. This could imply that the urban streets are a 'dark' and dangerous place to be. Appearing from the darkness we see three men who seem to be looking towards the audience., in a confrontational manor. Each actor is stood in the same place as there billing above them. Even though Robert De Niro is not the main character of the film, he is marketed heavily because of his fame which was peeking during the period 'GoodFellas' was released, this makes Robert De Niro the unique selling point. On the lower half of the poster we see a man lying dead in the road, we can see that he is wearing smart attire, this is clearly indicating that this film is part of the gangster genre and the harsh use of the violence throughout the film.
The films target audience for this poster will be aged from 16-50, and a largely male crowd, I believe this because of the violence portrayed in the poster. The films main unique selling points are the director, Martian Scorsese who is well recognised in the film industry and is known for his previous gangster films such as 'Mean Streets'. Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci are also well known in this genre.
Taxi Driver
This is a portrait poster for the 1976 film 'Taxi Driver'. The poster of this film has the effect of an caves illustration. The effect of this creates a parallel world in that the protagonist is suck in trying to escape into a purer world. Behind the man we see a taxi cab, I believe that the taxi resembles loneliness in this poster, The character feels need to stand in close proximity to the taxi, this could suggest that the taxi offers comfort and sanctuary to the protagonist. Another form of loneliness shown in the poster is shown by the empty streets and the darkness that surrounds the main character.
The unique selling point of this poster is Robert DeNiro. He is billed above the title, this is to grab the audiences attention, before they know anything about the film. The target audience for this film poster would be aged between 18-45, I think the aged look of the poster would put off a younger audience, however the references to film noir would attract people who are into classic cinema.
In conclusion, all of these posters are within the crime/drama genre which my poster will also fall into. These posters also attract an adult audience, which is the same audience that I want to attract with my poster.