In my creative media course I have been working on my graphic sector. This evaluation will describe and explain the all the steps during this unit. Including the codes and conventions, fonts, media texts, poster and Blu-Ray sleeve.
1: Skills Acquisition:
During our graphics unit, I have learned to use media industry programs such as Adobe CS6 Photoshop and Adobe illustrator. I have learned several skill and techniques that are used in the media industry.
I have created a self portrait on photoshop From creating this self portrait on adobe illustrator, I have learned about used post-photography to manipulate an a real image, to create the perfect model and also gained knowledge about raster and vector graphics. . This link is my film poster. I also designed a film poster into photoshop based on my own ideas. My poster was a crime drama film similar to 'The Godfather', From this task I learnt about how to use photoshop to create posted similar to posters made in the film industry. This is a link to my poster evaluation, in the evaluation I explain the steps I went through to create my poster and describe any mistakes I made and improvements I should make to make the poster more realistic. During the making of my poster, I have learnt basic skills of photography. I have also experienced the green screen technology that is used within this industry and has help me to create more professional and efficient imagery.
- These are images that were taken during the photography stage of my poster design. We used a white screen for the background, so we could change it in photoshop. I also used a prop gun for my poster, so that the audience has a clearer indication of the films theme.

2: Research and Ideas stage:
After studying the codes and conventions, we starting looking towards the format and the genre of my final product this included discovering and explaining the fonts which are used on film posters, and creating my ideas for my poster. This link is my poster illustration of myself which I created on Adobe Illustrator, in this blog I discuss how I created the self portrait and the mistakes and improvements I have made on the original project. I also wrote a proposal idea for my film poster. To create my Blu-Ray sleeve, I research real Blu-Ray cases and sleeves online to discover the size of a Blu-Ray case, the imagery which is presented and the stimulatory and differences they have to each other design. I further evaluate this subject on this page
The next step of this task was to sketch out my ideas, I had created a coloured sketch for my poster. Which I further explain in this blog Which shows the sketches I had made for my poster. I sketch my designs by hand and scanned the pages and uploaded them onto photoshop.
4: Evaluation Of Final Designs:
After I had finished the final product, my next task was to create the final poster on photoshop, I have made a blog which goes into depth of the making of my final poster design When I completed my poster evaluation , I created a blu-ray sleeve from the poster I previously created. I used photoshop to design my Blu-Ray sleeve. I further evaluate it on this task on this blog post
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