For my graphics unit I was given the task to create a computer altered image on photoshop. These images are a before and after screenshot of the image, this task was to prove how the media will change images to create that "Perfect Image". The industry will use photoshop to change the way people look, because to sell something, we need to perfect image.
Step 1:
The first step of this task was to remove the spots from the women's face. To do this we used the spot healing tool, and clicked on the area's with spots to remove them.
Step 2:
The second step was to duplicate a new layer, We then used the smart blur.
Step 3:
Our third task was to make the image less blurry from the smart blur. For this task we used the eraser tool.
Step 4:
The final task was to covert this photograph from a photoshop file into a jpeg file, so the photograph can be uploaded onto my blogger account.
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